Embraer To Develop Two New Bizjets

Embraer, which is currently developing two new light jets, the Phenom100 and 300, is also reportedly working on two more new models,which would each seat 8 to 11 passengers. If the two projects get thegreen light, expect to hear details this September at the annualconvention of the National Business Aviation Association, set forAtlanta, Ga., in September. On Wednesday, Pratt & Whitney Canada saidit has delivered the first two PW617F engines for flight testing onthe Phenom 100. Certification of the engine is expected by the end ofthis year.

Embraer, which is currently developing two new light jets, the Phenom100 and 300, is also reportedly working on two more new models,which would each seat 8 to 11 passengers. If the two projects get thegreen light, expect to hear details this September at the annualconvention of the National Business Aviation Association, set forAtlanta, Ga., in September. On Wednesday, Pratt & Whitney Canada saidit has delivered the first two PW617F engines for flight testing onthe Phenom 100. Certification of the engine is expected by the end ofthis year. "These engine deliveries represent an importantmilestone for both Pratt & Whitney Canada and Embraer," said DanBreitman, vice president of turbofan development for PW&C. "The PW600family is the leader in the emerging very light jet market, and weare very pleased with the progress of the PW617F engine program."