Endeavor Awards To Honor Public-Service Aviation

The Endeavor Awards will launch for the first time in May, with a black-tie event held at the California Science Center in Los Angeles, to honor and support those who provide free aviation services to meet humanitarian needs. Angel Flight West has organized the gala and they plan to make it an annual fundraising event. The dinner and ceremonies will take place at the Endeavour space shuttle exhibit.

The Endeavor Awards will launch for the first time in May, with a black-tie event held at the California Science Center in Los Angeles, to honor and support those who provide free aviation services to meet humanitarian needs. Angel Flight West has organized the gala and they plan to make it an annual fundraising event. The dinner and ceremonies will take place at the Endeavour space shuttle exhibit. Mark Wolper, a film-industry executive and chair of the host committee, is planning an audio-visual production for the event, showcasing aviation throughout the history of film, and spotlighting the heroes of public benefit aviation.

Others involved in the planning and support for the event include pilots Clay Lacy, Chuck Aaron, Bob Hoover, and Sean D. Tucker, X-Prize chairman Peter Diamandis, film director Robert Zemeckis, former EAA president Tom Poberezny, and Alan Dias, executive director of Angel Flight West. Several astronauts also will be on hand to talk about their experience on the space shuttle and the International Space Station. Tickets are on sale now for the May 4 eventat $1,000 each.