Errant Skydivers Land On Nuke Sub Base
Two skydivers who missed their intended drop zone at St. Mary’s Airport in southeast Georgia and instead landed at Naval Base King’s Bay next door, which hosts Ohio Class nuclear submarines and their Trident nuclear missiles, were quickly detained last Sunday. They landed on a ball field. Base spokesman Scott Bassett said the pair, who were caught by unexpected winds, were “noticed immediately” and met with a response that will have to be left up to the imagination since Bassett declined to tell NBC News the details of the interaction between security forces and the errant jumpers. “Security is robust,” he said. “It’s extraordinarily dangerous to parachute into this base.” The two jumpers also warranted some extra security attention.

Two skydivers who missed their intended drop zone at St. Mary's Airport in southeast Georgia and instead landed at Naval Base King's Bay next door, which hosts Ohio Class nuclear submarines and their Trident nuclear missiles, were quickly detained last Sunday. They landed on a ball field. Base spokesman Scott Bassett said the pair, who were caught by unexpected winds, were "noticed immediately" and met with a response that will have to be left up to the imagination since Bassett declined to tell NBC News the details of the interaction between security forces and the errant jumpers. "Security is robust," he said. "It's extraordinarily dangerous to parachute into this base." The two jumpers also warranted some extra security attention.
One was a naturalized citizen but the other was a foreign national and he didn't have his passport on him. It took some calls to the skydiving center and "a couple of hours" to sort everything out but Bassett said the base and the The Jumping Zone will work together to keep unwanted guests from dropping in on the nation's most carefully guarded military assets. Seven unexpected arrivals have been recorded in three years. "We want to remind all skydivers that the base should be only a last choice option for landing," said a posting on The Jumping Place website. The skydiving center will be reviewing off-site landings with its patrons.