Europe’s GA Airshow Goes Annual

AERO-Friedrichshafen, the popular European general aviation event that has been attracting growing interest in recent years, will now be held annually, instead of every other year, and EAA and IAOPA will play a greater role in organizing the show. “It’s an outstanding general aviation event that serves the new light sport aircraft (LSA) category very well, especially with the global growth that we are seeing,” said Tom Poberezny, EAA president. “EAA looks forward to participating at AERO in the future, and working with them on programs of mutual benefit.” The next show will be held April 2 to 5, 2009. Organizers have taken pains to avoid overlap with Sun ‘n Fun. Last year’s AERO show was the biggest yet, attracting about 45,000 visitors from around the world, with 533 exhibitors from 30 countries.

AERO-Friedrichshafen, the popular European general aviation event that has been attracting growing interest in recent years, will now be held annually, instead of every other year, and EAA and IAOPA will play a greater role in organizing the show. "It's an outstanding general aviation event that serves the new light sport aircraft (LSA) category very well, especially with the global growth that we are seeing," said Tom Poberezny, EAA president. "EAA looks forward to participating at AERO in the future, and working with them on programs of mutual benefit." The next show will be held April 2 to 5, 2009. Organizers have taken pains to avoid overlap with Sun 'n Fun. Last year's AERO show was the biggest yet, attracting about 45,000 visitors from around the world, with 533 exhibitors from 30 countries.

Friedrichshafen, in Germany, is a scenic city on the northern shore of Lake Constance, close to Austria and Switzerland. The site is attractive and accessible to many in the European general aviation market. The show focuses on sport flying and personal aviation, as well as business aviation.