FAA Reports On Runway Safety Measures
The FAA said on Tuesday that small airports around the country must upgrade their taxiway markings by March 31, 2010. The upgrades previously were voluntary. The agency also plans to mandate a change in how taxi clearances are issued. More explicit instructions are needed, the FAA says, and the U.S. should adopt international phraseology such as “line-up and wait” instead of the familiar “position and hold.” New rules about clearances will be issued by June. Airline flight crews will be required to view new online safety information about incursions by May. A new working group, the Runway Safety Council, comprising representatives from government and industry, will launch by the end of this month. The FAA also announced that it has certified Jeppesens Airport Moving Map cockpit display.

The FAA said on Tuesday that small airports around the country must upgrade their taxiway markings by March 31, 2010. The upgrades previously were voluntary. The agency also plans to mandate a change in how taxi clearances are issued. More explicit instructions are needed, the FAA says, and the U.S. should adopt international phraseology such as "line-up and wait" instead of the familiar "position and hold." New rules about clearances will be issued by June. Airline flight crews will be required to view new online safety information about incursions by May. A new working group, the Runway Safety Council, comprising representatives from government and industry, will launch by the end of this month. The FAA also announced that it has certified Jeppesens Airport Moving Map cockpit display.
FAA Administrator Bobby Sturgell also announced on Tuesday that the FAA will sponsor a first-ever symposium dedicated solely to the issue of pilot fatigue June 17-19 in the Washington, D.C., area.