Fantasy Air Back on Track

After some financial turbulence in November, Fantasy Air, the Czech Republic manufacturer of the Allegro Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) is back on solid ground, much to the relief of the folks at Fantasy Air USA. The U.S. company’s president, Doug Hempstead, told AVweb at the U.S. Sport Aviation Expo in Sebring, Fla. that the Czech company got in over its head with a deal to buy Pisek Airfield and that drained cash from the core manufacturing company. Fortunately, the company was able to sell the airport quickly and get back to what it does best, building the Allegro. “I’m telling you, it was a great relief to us,” Hempstead said. The manufacturer has adapted the Allegro to the U.S. market with its 2007 model.

After some financial turbulence in November, Fantasy Air, the Czech Republic manufacturer of the Allegro Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) is back on solid ground, much to the relief of the folks at Fantasy Air USA. The U.S. company's president, Doug Hempstead, told AVweb at the U.S. Sport Aviation Expo in Sebring, Fla. that the Czech company got in over its head with a deal to buy Pisek Airfield and that drained cash from the core manufacturing company. Fortunately, the company was able to sell the airport quickly and get back to what it does best, building the Allegro. "I'm telling you, it was a great relief to us," Hempstead said. The manufacturer has adapted the Allegro to the U.S. market with its 2007 model.

Hempstead said the doors have been redesigned, and the wing dihedral has been increased to improve handling qualities. The gross weight has also been increased from the 1232 lb. European standard to the 1320 lb. LSA maximum weight. The cabin height has also been increased three inches.

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