FIRC Webinars Now Online
Certified flight instructors who want to stay current need to attend periodic refresher clinics, but finding one nearby when you need it can sometimes be a problem. Now AVseminars has come along to take advantage of the computer age and offer the FIRC online in a webinar format. The course is the first of its kind to be approved by the FAA. The class takes place in “real time” with up to 24 instructors participating in interactive discussion using a microphone and webcam, combining the interaction of a live seminar with the convenience of learning from home. The course runs from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. both Saturday and Sunday. The next one coming up is August 21 and 22, with a registration deadline of August 17 and a fee of $96.

Certified flight instructors who want to stay current need to attend periodic refresher clinics, but finding one nearby when you need it can sometimes be a problem. Now AVseminars has come along to take advantage of the computer age and offer the FIRC online in a webinar format. The course is the first of its kind to be approved by the FAA. The class takes place in "real time" with up to 24 instructors participating in interactive discussion using a microphone and webcam, combining the interaction of a live seminar with the convenience of learning from home. The course runs from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. both Saturday and Sunday. The next one coming up is August 21 and 22, with a registration deadline of August 17 and a fee of $96.
FAA flight instructor certificates are only good for 24 months before they must be renewed. There are several ways to renew the certificate, such as signing off students, adding another rating, or attending an FAA-approved refresher clinic. CFIs can also complete a self-guided online course such as those offered by AOPA, Gleim, and others.