Flight Services Contract Extended

Lockheed Martin’s contract to run the automated flight service station system has been extended for three years at a price of $356 million. The company announced the agreement Tuesday. The three-year extension begins Oct. 1. Lockheed Martin took over the AFSS function in 2005 and substantially trimmed the number of flight service stations and staff. “Lockheed Martin is proud of the service its flight service specialists provide to the general aviation industry,” said Jim Derr, Lockheed Martin Flight Service Program Director. “We are excited to have the opportunity to continue providing the most accurate and reliable flight service briefings available.

Lockheed Martin's contract to run the automated flight service station system has been extended for three years at a price of $356 million. The company announced the agreement Tuesday. The three-year extension begins Oct. 1. Lockheed Martin took over the AFSS function in 2005 and substantially trimmed the number of flight service stations and staff. "Lockheed Martin is proud of the service its flight service specialists provide to the general aviation industry," said Jim Derr, Lockheed Martin Flight Service Program Director. "We are excited to have the opportunity to continue providing the most accurate and reliable flight service briefings available."

Lockheed Martin said the net result of the changes over the past five years is better, more efficient service, although it acknowledged early in the contract that it was not meeting performance standards set in the contract. It says the system now works. "Under the AFSS contract, which was initially awarded in 2005, Lockheed Martin has employed technology enhancements and a hub system that has modernized flight services. Flight planning is now streamlined and allows the sharing of weather and flight plan statuses across the entire Lockheed Martin AFSS network."