Fly4Life Looking For 1,000 Pilots At OSH

One of the themes of this year’s EAA AirVenture is the recognition and promotion of public benefit flying and the call is out to everyone who uses their airplane to help others to stand up and be counted in Oshkosh. EAA and the Air Care Alliance, co-sponsors of Fly4Life, are hoping at least 1,000 volunteer pilots and aircraft owners register at the Fly4Life tents on the south side of Aeroshell Square to get recognition for their own efforts and to promote the cause. “Our focus is to provide an awareness-generating opportunity for you and/or your organization and to recognize the GA community for its positive influence on the lives of others,” the groups said in a news release.

One of the themes of this year's EAA AirVenture is the recognition and promotion of public benefit flying and the call is out to everyone who uses their airplane to help others to stand up and be counted in Oshkosh. EAA and the Air Care Alliance, co-sponsors of Fly4Life, are hoping at least 1,000 volunteer pilots and aircraft owners register at the Fly4Life tents on the south side of Aeroshell Square to get recognition for their own efforts and to promote the cause. "Our focus is to provide an awareness-generating opportunity for you and/or your organization and to recognize the GA community for its positive influence on the lives of others," the groups said in a news release.

Those who register will get a badge for themselves and a prop card for their airplane explaining their involvement in public benefit flying. An interactive Web site will run throughout the show showing other pilots how they can join a group in their area and there will be static and flying displays of aircraft. Of course, the whole thing is run by volunteers and for those whose selflessness can include a shift or two at the AirVenture booth, the help would be welcome. Morning, midday and late afternoon shifts are available throughout the show and more information can be obtained by e-mailing