Ford Takes On GA Promo Role

Aviation’s busiest celebrity spokesman, actor Harrison Ford, is taking on another role and the script appears to involve as heroic a plot as any of his day job parts. AOPA will hold a news conference Monday at 10 a.m. in Washington, D.C., to announce the General Aviation Serves America campaign. Details are under wraps until the announcement but a media advisory issued Friday hints that it’s an ambitious scheme that will “tell the story of real people who depend on general aviation” and harness Ford’s star power as an eloquent spokesman for GA. “In addition to these everyday people, actor Harrison Ford, himself a passionate pilot, will feature prominently in the campaign.”

Aviation's busiest celebrity spokesman, actor Harrison Ford, is taking on another role and the script appears to involve as heroic a plot as any of his day job parts. AOPA will hold a news conference Monday at 10 a.m. in Washington, D.C., to announce the General Aviation Serves America campaign. Details are under wraps until the announcement but a media advisory issued Friday hints that it's an ambitious scheme that will "tell the story of real people who depend on general aviation" and harness Ford's star power as an eloquent spokesman for GA. "In addition to these everyday people, actor Harrison Ford, himself a passionate pilot, will feature prominently in the campaign."

The AOPA campaign is the latest in a series of attempts by aviation groups to shine a positive light on GA after some public relations disasters in the past few months. AOPA's focus seems to be on the varied role and economic value of GA. "General aviation - everything except airlines and military - is a tremendous economic engine that creates $150 billion in economic activity each year, but it is under threat because so many people do not understand its true value," the release said.