Former Airline Pilot Charged With Flying Drunk

A former pilot for Alaska Airlines was charged this week with flying on the job under the influence of alcohol in 2014. David Hans Arnston, 60, of Newport Beach, California, was in federal court on Wednesday and charged with one felony count.

A former pilot for Alaska Airlines was charged this week with flying on the job under the influence of alcohol in 2014. David Hans Arnston, 60, of Newport Beach, California, was in federal court on Wednesday and charged with one felony count, The Associated Press reported. He was freed on $25,000 bond and will return to court on Feb. 10 for a hearing. The charge stems from two flights Arnston made for the airline on June 20, 2014. He flew from San Diego International Airport to Portland, Oregon, then from Portland to John Wayne Airport in Orange County, California, the AP reported.

A criminal complaint states Arnston was pegged for a random drug/alcohol test when he landed at John Wayne, according to the AP.He had blood-alcohol readings of 0.134 and 0.142 percent, after which the airline removed him from flying duties. When the drug tester appeared at the airport, Arnstonwas heard to say to his first officer, "I bet it's for me," the complaint said, although in the document he denied consuming alcohol, according to an NBC report. He later retired. Under the felony charge, he faces up to 15 years in prison.