Guard Launches See And Avoid Web Site
There is now a one-stop Web site for information on special-use airspace where military pilots practice their craft. The See and Avoid site, designed by the Air National Guard with input from aviation groups, allows pilots whose route might take them through a military practice area to get all the information they need about flying safely in that area. The mission of is to eliminate midair collisions and reduce close calls with good flight planning, the site says. By promoting information exchange between civilian pilots and the military flight safety community, we hope to help all of us safely share the skies.

There is now a one-stop Web site for information on special-use airspace where military pilots practice their craft. The See and Avoid site, designed by the Air National Guard with input from aviation groups, allows pilots whose route might take them through a military practice area to get all the information they need about flying safely in that area. The mission of is to eliminate midair collisions and reduce close calls with good flight planning, the site says. By promoting information exchange between civilian pilots and the military flight safety community, we hope to help all of us safely share the skies. Typing in an airport identifier brings up all the relevant information about military activity in that area. It also shows where previous midairs and near collisions have occurred. Some of the information has never been available on the Internet before and some was available only by searching the Web sites of individual air bases.