Guard Pilot “Reckless” With Lt. Gov. On Board

The pilot of an Ohio Air National Guard two-place F-16 with Lt. Gov. Bruce Johnson as a backseater broke several FAA regs in his high-speed tour of Columbus last summer. According to the Columbus Dispatch, the unidentified pilot buzzed the city at speeds as high as 500 knots and altitudes as low as 2,100 feet last Aug. 17. FAA regs restrict speed in that area to 250 knots and, according to the agency’s report on the flight, the pilot did not have clearance to fly below 10,000 feet. That, says the FAA, means the pilot violated a regulation banning careless or reckless flying. But the report will likely be the end of the matter.

The pilot of an Ohio Air National Guard two-place F-16 with Lt. Gov. Bruce Johnson as a backseater broke several FAA regs in his high-speed tour of Columbus last summer. According to the Columbus Dispatch, the unidentified pilot buzzed the city at speeds as high as 500 knots and altitudes as low as 2,100 feet last Aug. 17. FAA regs restrict speed in that area to 250 knots and, according to the agency's report on the flight, the pilot did not have clearance to fly below 10,000 feet. That, says the FAA, means the pilot violated a regulation banning careless or reckless flying. But the report will likely be the end of the matter. [more] The FAA has no jurisdiction over military pilots and the Guard has already dealt with the pilot, although it's not saying how. The flight, billed as a demo flight for Johnson to show him the capabilities of the aircraft, sparked calls to 9-1-1 and a few complaints to the FAA.