Gulfstream Stokes G600 Rumor Mill With R&D Lease

Gulfstream Aerospace has signed on for two nine-year leases for building space that will accommodate the new Gulfstream Research and Development Center II near the Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport, adjacent to the company’s current R&D center. The new facilities can provide working space for up to 550 employees (in an office building) and 150 employees (in a flexible-use building that may also house test equipment). The buildings offer 108,750 square feet and 80,500 square feet, respectively. Terms of the lease agreement reportedly include options for up to three three-year terms beyond the initial nine-year period.

Gulfstream Aerospace has signed on for two nine-year leases for building space that will accommodate the new Gulfstream Research and Development Center II near the Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport, adjacent to the company's current R&D center. The new facilities can provide working space for up to 550 employees (in an office building) and 150 employees (in a flexible-use building that may also house test equipment). The buildings offer 108,750 square feet and 80,500 square feet, respectively. Terms of the lease agreement reportedly include options for up to three three-year terms beyond the initial nine-year period. The expansion may fuel rumors of the development of a wider-cabin G600 aircraft long anticipated within the industry, but not yet announced by Gulfstream.