Gulfstream to Offer Synthetic Vision Cockpit
Gulfstream Aerospace on Monday said its Synthetic Vision – Primary Flight Display (SV-PFD) upgrade to current operators of PlaneView-equipped Gulfstreams will make it the first business jet manufacturer to offer synthetic vision technology for new production and in-service aircraft. The company will offer the system as an optional upgrade to current G550, G500, G450 and G350 operators with the PlaneView system and, following FAA certification in 2007, will begin offering the optional upgrade to current and future customers. Gulfstream said its SV-PFD features a three-dimensional color image of terrain overlaid with the PFD instrument readings. The system combines previously certified terrain data from Honeywells Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS) with obstacle data, and using a new state-of-the-art graphics processor, SV-PFD accurately depicts terrain, obstacles, runways and approaches at locations throughout the world. “With its real-time, pilots view of the world beyond the cockpit windshield, SV-PFD increases a pilots ability to accurately interpret the depth and texture of terrain, obstacles, runways and approaches, said Pres Henne, senior vice president, programs, engineering and test, Gulfstream.

Gulfstream Aerospace on Monday said its Synthetic Vision - Primary Flight Display (SV-PFD) upgrade to current operators of PlaneView-equipped Gulfstreams will make it the first business jet manufacturer to offer synthetic vision technology for new production and in-service aircraft. The company will offer the system as an optional upgrade to current G550, G500, G450 and G350 operators with the PlaneView system and, following FAA certification in 2007, will begin offering the optional upgrade to current and future customers. Gulfstream said its SV-PFD features a three-dimensional color image of terrain overlaid with the PFD instrument readings. The system combines previously certified terrain data from Honeywells Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS) with obstacle data, and using a new state-of-the-art graphics processor, SV-PFD accurately depicts terrain, obstacles, runways and approaches at locations throughout the world. "With its real-time, pilots view of the world beyond the cockpit windshield, SV-PFD increases a pilots ability to accurately interpret the depth and texture of terrain, obstacles, runways and approaches, said Pres Henne, senior vice president, programs, engineering and test, Gulfstream.
The company said the SV-PFD system includes both traditional and head-up display (HUD) symbology. Current symbology for data such as attitude, altitude, airspeed, bank and steering cues, flight path marker, terrain awareness and warning system (TAWS) alerts, and traffic alert collision avoidance system (TCAS) all will remain the same. "SV-PFDs flight guidance symbology and truer terrain images provide pilots information in terms of terrain distance and horizontal and vertical bearing, Henne added. This increased level of awareness means safer operations and is especially beneficial near airports and in mountainous areas. The new HUD-like symbols include a flight path marker, a path-based flight director runway outline and a runway lead-in line.