Helicopter Crash Due To Kite String?
A Philippines air force UH-1H Huey was carrying four people over the central island of Cebu when it crashed April 28 on a public street with nylon kite string entangled below its main rotor. Seven people on the ground were killed, as were two of the helicopter’s crew. Lieutenant General Horacio Tolentino said a captain aboard the helicopter told him the aircraft was flying perfectly just before landing, and “there was no problem with the engine … [the kite string] caused the stoppage of the rotor,” he told ABC news. Though terrorists have used kites as anti-helicopter tactical weapons in the past, and kite flying is banned in the area, the general said last week that in this instance no blame was being assigned as no malice was intended.

A Philippines air force UH-1H Huey was carrying four people over the central island of Cebu when it crashed April 28 on a public street with nylon kite string entangled below its main rotor. Seven people on the ground were killed, as were two of the helicopter's crew. Lieutenant General Horacio Tolentino said a captain aboard the helicopter told him the aircraft was flying perfectly just before landing, and "there was no problem with the engine ... [the kite string] caused the stoppage of the rotor," he told ABC news. Though terrorists have used kites as anti-helicopter tactical weapons in the past, and kite flying is banned in the area, the general said last week that in this instance no blame was being assigned as no malice was intended. The air force did not initially announce plans to charge anyone.