Henley Benefit Airshow Roster Continues To Grow
Since we last spoke with the organizers of the upcoming benefit airshow for the Alan Henley Foundation (click here for a podcast of AVweb‘s interview with Bobbi Thompson last December), the lineup has grown to include a long list of who’s who in the airshow world. “I think we can say with confidence this will be the finest and largest-ever group of North American airshow performers to appear in one show,” Thompson told AVweb this week. The list of performers is at 30 and still growing, and includes Patty Wagstaff, Sean Tucker, the Aeroshell Aerobatic Team, Greg Poe, Gene Soucy, Red Thunder, the Iron Eagles, and many more. “All proceeds from ticket and raffle sales will go to the Foundation and all donated monies will be given as well,” Thompson says. Everyone involved in the show is paying their own expenses and donating their time, Thompson said, so the only costs to be covered will be fuel, oil, and some other minimal expenses. The show will be held at Cecil Field in Jacksonville, Fla., April 18 and 19. Tickets are $10, $5 for children 6 to 12, and free for children under 6. Tickets will soon be available online at the show’s Web site. Henley, who was the lead pilot for the Aeroshell team, was paralyzed in a fall at home last year just before EAA AirVenture, and is still undergoing extensive rehabilitation.

Since we last spoke with the organizers of the upcoming benefit airshow for the Alan Henley Foundation (click here for a podcast of AVweb's interview with Bobbi Thompson last December), the lineup has grown to include a long list of who's who in the airshow world. "I think we can say with confidence this will be the finest and largest-ever group of North American airshow performers to appear in one show," Thompson told AVweb this week. The list of performers is at 30 and still growing, and includes Patty Wagstaff, Sean Tucker, the Aeroshell Aerobatic Team, Greg Poe, Gene Soucy, Red Thunder, the Iron Eagles, and many more. "All proceeds from ticket and raffle sales will go to the Foundation and all donated monies will be given as well," Thompson says. Everyone involved in the show is paying their own expenses and donating their time, Thompson said, so the only costs to be covered will be fuel, oil, and some other minimal expenses. The show will be held at Cecil Field in Jacksonville, Fla., April 18 and 19. Tickets are $10, $5 for children 6 to 12, and free for children under 6. Tickets will soon be available online at the show's Web site. Henley, who was the lead pilot for the Aeroshell team, was paralyzed in a fall at home last year just before EAA AirVenture, and is still undergoing extensive rehabilitation. He lives in Birmingham, Ala., with his wife, Jennifer, and their two children, Skylar, 3, and Brandon, 2.