Homebuilt Crashes In Anchorage Neighborhood
A homebuilt crashed and burned in an Anchorage neighborhood Saturday, killing the pilot and his dog but not causing any other damage.

Photo by Jason Thompson
A homebuilt crashed and burned in an Anchorage neighborhood Saturday, killing the pilot and his dog but not causing any other damage. It apparently just missed a man walking his dog, however. The aircraft, described as a Super Cub-type homebuilt on floats, was spotted flying low over a subdivision on the Anchorage Hillside before it crashed about 4:30 p.m. A fire fuelled by the ruptured wing tanks burned the wreck to a melted aluminum skeleton.
The aircraft clipped some trees before crashing and the floats were sheared off and remained in a tree. Investigators told reporters they already had a lot of evidence pointing to potential causes and Anchorage's unique demographic was helping that. "We're blessed with a number of witnesses, a lot of them pilot-rated," said Clint Johnson, chief of the NTSB's Anchorage office.