Honeywell Upgrades JetMap

Honeywell has released an upgrade of its JetMap passenger-information system that includes the ability to add the system to cabin-management systems made by other manufacturers. The JetMap III system provides a moving map image with three-dimensional depictions of terrain, including polar ice views so pax can keep an eye on where they are. But it can also be configured to run news, weather, sports and business tickers so they can keep up with what’s going on in the world. “With JetMap III, we are not only improving the overall passenger experience, but with the addition of new Ovation C-Series cabin management and inflight entertainment upgrades such as touch screen passenger control units (PCUs), Blu-ray video, high definition monitors, and iPod docks, we can refresh the cabin as an interim step before a more costly complete interior refurbishment is done,” said Brian Sill, vice president, Aftermarket, Honeywell Aerospace.

Honeywell has released an upgrade of its JetMap passenger-information system that includes the ability to add the system to cabin-management systems made by other manufacturers. The JetMap III system provides a moving map image with three-dimensional depictions of terrain, including polar ice views so pax can keep an eye on where they are. But it can also be configured to run news, weather, sports and business tickers so they can keep up with what's going on in the world. "With JetMap III, we are not only improving the overall passenger experience, but with the addition of new Ovation C-Series cabin management and inflight entertainment upgrades such as touch screen passenger control units (PCUs), Blu-ray video, high definition monitors, and iPod docks, we can refresh the cabin as an interim step before a more costly complete interior refurbishment is done," said Brian Sill, vice president, Aftermarket, Honeywell Aerospace.

Those who already have the JetMap II system can upgrade to the new product by simply swapping the flash memory card. "Customers told us they are looking for ways to improve the passenger cabin experience without replacing the entire system," Sill said. Passengers can customize their view of the outside world by remote control. The first to experience the new system will be Honeywell executives. The system was installed on the company's Falcon 900 last month.