Injuries: Air Canada Reminds You To Buckle Up

Eight passengers and two crew members aboard Air Canada Flight 190 were injured Thursday morning when the Airbus 319 suffered a sudden loss of altitude and rolled sharply left and right. One passenger told “all of a sudden there were three big drops,” explaining that items (and people) that were not strapped down went flying. “It was over and done with in 10 or 15 seconds,” after which some crew were left “trying to dab blood out of their eyes,” and the flight out of Victoria, British Columbia, for Toronto, diverted to Calgary. By Thursday evening all the injured had been released from hospital. Canada’s Transportation Safety Board did not immediately characterize the event as one due to turbulence, mechanical problems, or the actions of the flight crew.

Eight passengers and two crew members aboard Air Canada Flight 190 were injured Thursday morning when the Airbus 319 suffered a sudden loss of altitude and rolled sharply left and right. One passenger told "all of a sudden there were three big drops," explaining that items (and people) that were not strapped down went flying. "It was over and done with in 10 or 15 seconds," after which some crew were left "trying to dab blood out of their eyes," and the flight out of Victoria, British Columbia, for Toronto, diverted to Calgary. By Thursday evening all the injured had been released from hospital. Canada's Transportation Safety Board did not immediately characterize the event as one due to turbulence, mechanical problems, or the actions of the flight crew. Early media reports said passengers were told by the flight crew that the aircraft experienced mechanical problems or that its flight computer had malfunctioned. Other reports indicated that the crew had explained after the event that the aircraft's "computer had been knocked out" and that they were now flying the aircraft manually. The aircraft's flight path took it from Victoria east over the Kootenay Mountains. After the incident, the crew flew to Calgary. A low pressure system and front was in the area.