Jeppesen Manuals Now Available Electronically Through AVweb Bookstore
The hundreds of titles of technical and training manuals produced by industry leader Jeppesen are now available for download into your computer from AVweb Bookstore. The AVweb Bookstore is among the retail aviation book catalogs operated by the Aircraft Technical Book Company. President Andy Gold told AVweb in a podcast interview that e-books are a burgeoning segment of the market now that copyright and duplication issues have been resolved and he expects the PDF downloads to be available for most of his titles by the end of the year.
The hundreds of titles of technical and training manuals produced by industry leader Jeppesen are now available for download into your computer from AVweb Bookstore. The AVweb Bookstore is among the retail aviation book catalogs operated by the Aircraft Technical Book Company. President Andy Gold told AVweb in a podcast interview that e-books are a burgeoning segment of the market now that copyright and duplication issues have been resolved and he expects the PDF downloads to be available for most of his titles by the end of the year.
Gold said that while there will always be those who prefer the printed word (like him), there are significant advantages to e-books, most of them cost related. In some cases, because of transportation and taxes, the cost of shipping a book can be much higher than the cost of the book itself, particularly for international customers. E-books are also fully searchable, employ the zoom and other features on computers and are weightless. "For students and for on-the-job reference, there is no longer a need to carry around 40-50 pounds of manuals," he said. The books are faithful to the printed originals in every respect and include all the pictures and diagrams in PDF format. With standard high speed connections, the downloads take from a few minutes to longer than 10 minutes, depending on the size of the tome and the number of graphics.