Jet Crashes At Airshow In China, One Killed

One pilot ejected, but another crewmember of the JH-7 “Flying Leopard” jet performing in an airshow in China was killed on Friday when the aircraft nosedived into the ground and burned. The jet, operated by China’s air force, was performing near the northern city of Xi’an. The pilot who ejected landed safely, suffering only minor injuries. The crash is under investigation and so far no cause is clear. The accident was caught on video, showing the jet nosing over from level flight and diving almost directly into the ground. Click here to watch.

One pilot ejected, but another crewmember of the JH-7 "Flying Leopard" jet performing in an airshow in China was killed on Friday when the aircraft nosedived into the ground and burned. The jet, operated by China's air force, was performing near the northern city of Xi'an. The pilot who ejected landed safely, suffering only minor injuries. The crash is under investigation and so far no cause is clear. The accident was caught on video, showing the jet nosing over from level flight and diving almost directly into the ground. Click here to watch.

The aircraft has a two-seat tandem cockpit to accommodate a pilot in front and a weapons load officer in the back seat, according to The back seat is fitted slightly higher than the front seat to provide clear visibility of the battlefield. Each seat has its own back-hinged canopy. It's not yet clear which crewmember ejected.