Job Hunters Welcomed To AirVenture

Visitors to EAA AirVenture generally are planning to shop, learn, and enjoy themselves, but this year those with another agenda — finding a job in aviation — will have new opportunities to pursue that dream. EAA is hosting its first-ever Job Fair from noon to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, at the pavilion in the new College Park, part of the new Education & Interactive Zone. Another opportunity, hosted by Skywest Airlines and Redbird Flight Simulators, also will be available on the field.

Visitors to EAA AirVenture generally are planning to shop, learn, and enjoy themselves, but this year those with another agenda -- finding a job in aviation -- will have new opportunities to pursue that dream. EAA is hosting its first-ever Job Fair from noon to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, at the pavilion in the new College Park, part of the new Education & Interactive Zone near the air traffic control tower (formerly the site of the LSA Mall). A range of employers, including airlines, manufacturers of airplanes and avionics, and Alliant Techsystems, a NASA partner, will be recruiting at the event. Another opportunity, hosted by Skywest Airlines and Redbird Flight Simulators, also will be available on the field.

At the Redbird exhibit, qualified applicants will have a chance to complete a Skywest interview and follow it up with a flight-skills test on Redbird's King Air simulator. "While no King Air time is required or expected, proficient IFR skills are mandatory," Redbird said in a news release. "Applicants will also have an audience, but thats true for every airline pilot flying the line." At both the Skywest interviews and the job fair, casual airshow attire is acceptable. Applicants are encouraged to bring resumes. The job fair also will feature advice and information about aviation careers and job-hunting strategies. The job fair is free and open to all, with AirVenture admission.