LABACE2004 Preparation Underway

After its success with its first event, organizers of the 2nd Annual Latin American Conference & Exhibition (LABACE) are preparing for next year’s show. LABACE2004, the only Latin American exhibition of its kind to focus exclusively on business aviation, will run from April 15 to 17, 2004, in So Paulo, Brazil. This event is organized jointly by the Associao Brasileira de Aviao Geral (ABAG) and the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA).

After its success with its first event, organizers of the 2nd Annual Latin American Conference & Exhibition (LABACE) are preparing for next year's show. LABACE2004, the only Latin American exhibition of its kind to focus exclusively on business aviation, will run from April 15 to 17, 2004, in So Paulo, Brazil. This event is organized jointly by the Associao Brasileira de Aviao Geral (ABAG) and the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA).Next year's event will feature topic discussion on:

  • Safety and security initiatives
  • Business helicopter operations
  • CNS/ATM and equitable access
  • Future of fractional ownership in Latin America
  • Aircraft ownership options
  • Brazilian regulatory update

LABACE organizers claim this year's event "exceeded all expectations," with nearly 3,000 registered attendees and 88 exhibiting companies on hand at the Transamrica Expo Center. The Static Display at nearby Congonhas Airport featured 16 aircraft for viewing.