Lancair Sells 25 Military Trainer Kits

Lancair announced on Tuesday that it will provide 25 modified Legacy FG kits to be assembled in Colombia and used for primary flight training by the Colombian Air Force. The aircraft, known as the Synergy, has a 15% bigger wing, leading edge cuffs, and ventral fin than the standard model. The company says mods make the aircraft “quite docile,” but adds it still has plenty of get-up-and-go. Lancair, through its Colombian partner SudAir Corporation, will provide the kits to Colombian Aviation Industry Corp. (CIAC), which will build them for the air force. “This initial agreement is a result of over two years of negotiations …,” said Lancair President Joe Bartels. “We will provide molds, fixtures, jigs, materials, technical support and composite training to CIAC for purposes of its construction of the initial 25 aircraft.”

Lancair announced on Tuesday that it will provide 25 modified Legacy FG kits to be assembled in Colombia and used for primary flight training by the Colombian Air Force. The aircraft, known as the Synergy, has a 15% bigger wing, leading edge cuffs, and ventral fin than the standard model. The company says mods make the aircraft "quite docile," but adds it still has plenty of get-up-and-go. Lancair, through its Colombian partner SudAir Corporation, will provide the kits to Colombian Aviation Industry Corp. (CIAC), which will build them for the air force. "This initial agreement is a result of over two years of negotiations ...," said Lancair President Joe Bartels. "We will provide molds, fixtures, jigs, materials, technical support and composite training to CIAC for purposes of its construction of the initial 25 aircraft."

The aircraft will have certified Lycoming IO-390 engines. Construction of the aircraft will begin in August at the rate of one a month, and CIAC should be building two a month by the end of the year.