Light Sport Aircraft Type Club Launched

The light sport aircraft (LSA) segment might have reached another milestone in the last few weeks. It appears the first type club (the first we’ve heard of, anyway) has been formed for owners of Flight Design CT aircraft and is doing all the things that type clubs do, including hosting fly-ins, holding seminars and generally gathering like-minded souls together. Flight Design has sold more than 200 aircraft in the U.S., the most of any LSA manufacturer. The first national CT fly-in was held in May in McMinnville, Ore. There were 13 aircraft flown to the event and other owners, from as far away as New York and Texas, took commercial flights.

The light sport aircraft (LSA) segment might have reached another milestone in the last few weeks. It appears the first type club (the first we've heard of, anyway) has been formed for owners of Flight Design CT aircraft and is doing all the things that type clubs do, including hosting fly-ins, holding seminars and generally gathering like-minded souls together. Flight Design has sold more than 200 aircraft in the U.S., the most of any LSA manufacturer. The first national CT fly-in was held in May in McMinnville, Ore. There were 13 aircraft flown to the event and other owners, from as far away as New York and Texas, took commercial flights. The fly-in was hosted by Roger Heller, who also looks after the CT owners online discussion group. Tom Pegihny, the U.S. distributor for the high-wing composite aircraft, and Oliver Reinhardt, from the manufacturer's German head office, were on hand, as were technical representatives for companies that supply components. McMinnville is the home of the Evergreen Aviation Museum, which houses the Spruce Goose, and delegates attended a barbecue under the wing of the massive flying boat.