LSA Models Climb To 50

If anyone thought two years ago that light sport aircraft wouldn’t catch on among manufacturers, theyve been proven wrong this week as the number of certified LSA models now totals 50. Of those, 42 are fixed-wing airplanes, five are weight-shift trikes, and three are powered parachutes, according to Dan Johnson’s sport-pilot blog. About a dozen of the designs are built in the Czech Republic, and 11 are built in the U.S. The 50th certification went to Powrachute’s AirWolf 912, which carries an electric-start 100-hp Rotax. “While some complain about the cost of LSA, here’s one with a four-stroke engine for less than $31,000,” says Johnson. “Worth another look?”

LSA Models Up To 50If anyone thought two years ago that light sport aircraft wouldn't catch on among manufacturers, theyve been proven wrong this week as the number of certified LSA models now totals 50. Of those, 42 are fixed-wing airplanes, five are weight-shift trikes, and three are powered parachutes, according to Dan Johnson's sport-pilot blog. About a dozen of the designs are built in the Czech Republic, and 11 are built in the U.S. The 50th certification went to Powrachute's AirWolf 912, which carries an electric-start 100-hp Rotax. "While some complain about the cost of LSA, here's one with a four-stroke engine for less than $31,000," says Johnson. "Worth another look?" For a complete list of the 50 models, with info and links, go to Johnson's Web site.