LSA Update: Midwest Expo, Bahamas Fly-out, Lycoming Falcon
The Midwest LSA Expo is coming up for its second year, Sept. 23 to 25, at Mount Vernon Outland Airport (MVN) in Illinois. Like the flagship LSA event in Sebring, this show aims to bring shoppers together with an assortment of airplanes in a casual setting where they can easily arrange demo flights. Those who want to know more about the LSA segment will have plenty of opportunities to learn about how to become a pilot and an aircraft owner. In other LSA news, EAA recently announced that the Bahamas is the first country outside the U.S.A. to allow sport pilots to fly there in light sport aircraft, even if they don’t have an FAA medical certificate. To celebrate the change, EAA said it will organize a sport-pilot fly-out to the Bahamas in the near future.

The Midwest LSA Expo is coming up for its second year, Sept. 23 to 25, at Mount Vernon Outland Airport (MVN) in Illinois. Like the flagship LSA event in Sebring, this show aims to bring shoppers together with an assortment of airplanes in a casual setting where they can easily arrange demo flights. Those who want to know more about the LSA segment will have plenty of opportunities to learn about how to become a pilot and an aircraft owner. In other LSA news, EAA recently announced that the Bahamas is the first country outside the U.S.A. to allow sport pilots to fly there in light sport aircraft, even if they don't have an FAA medical certificate. To celebrate the change, EAA said it will organize a sport-pilot fly-out to the Bahamas in the near future.
In other LSA news, Renegade Light Sport has taken over the sleek Falcon LS design, formerly known as the Phantom, that was developed by Corvus, a Hungarian company that also builds Red Bull race airplanes. Powered by Lycoming's IO-233 115-hp engine, the all-composite airplane will also feature synthetic vision, according to Dan Johnson's sport pilot blog, for an introductory price of $115,000. The new owners plan to build the airplane in Kansas City. The Falcon 2.0 will be on display at the upcoming Midwest Expo.