Music to Fly By: ATC Party Mix, Prop Symphony, and More
Why not record the sounds of an early morning landing at Heathrow, or Airbus A380 deep-freeze testing, or aerobatic airplanes spinning and looping, and integrate those sounds into electronic music compositions? That idea inspired Bruno Misonne, of Belgium, who lives close to a major airport, and he ended up with a compilation of “aviation music.” He aims to “take the listener on a journey” with his work. “Bruno has chosen the perfect instrument for his new genre because the airplane is the best way to go global after all,” says his press release. You can judge for yourself — sample the tunes online, or buy the CD, at his web site.
Why not record the sounds of an early morning landing at Heathrow, or Airbus A380 deep-freeze testing, or aerobatic airplanes spinning and looping, and integrate those sounds into electronic music compositions? That idea inspired Bruno Misonne, of Belgium, who lives close to a major airport, and he ended up with a compilation of "aviation music." He aims to "take the listener on a journey" with his work. "Bruno has chosen the perfect instrument for his new genre because the airplane is the best way to go global after all," says his press release. You can judge for yourself -- sample the tunes online, or buy the CD, at his web site.
The music is also available for download via iTunes. (ITunes users can click here.)

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