Mustang Orders Top 500

While the big news out of Sun ‘n Fun for Cessna’s jet line was the integration of synthetic vision in the Garmin G1000 suite, company officials were also celebrating a sales milestone. According to spokeswoman Pia Bergqvist, firm orders for the “entry-level” jet have topped 500 and there are more than 60 in service. The fleet, which marked its first delivery almost exactly a year ago, has now racked up 10,500 hours. Cessna calls it “the only fully operational entry-level business jet available,” and says it’s ready to ramp up production. (Click through for video of Bergqvist at Sun ‘n Fun.)

While the big news out of Sun 'n Fun for Cessna's jet line was the integration of synthetic vision in the Garmin G1000 suite, company officials were also celebrating a sales milestone. According to spokeswoman Pia Bergqvist, firm orders for the "entry-level" jet have topped 500 and there are more than 60 in service. The fleet, which marked its first delivery almost exactly a year ago, has now racked up 10,500 hours. Cessna calls it "the only fully operational entry-level business jet available," and says it's ready to ramp up production.

The company built 47 Mustangs at the Independence, Kan. plant by the end of 2007, expects to finish 100 this year and deliver 150 in 2009. The first synthetic vision Mustangs will be delivered later this year. Mustang is the launch business jet customer for the Garmin system.

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