NAFI, Avemco Offer CFI Insurance Plan

The National Association of Flight Instructors (NAFI) and Avemco have teamed up for an insurance program that targets the specific needs of instructors. The program will offer CFIs greater flexibility in designing a policy that meets their specific needs in terms of limits and even specific aircraft coverage. “We have been working hard over the last year to find improvements in non-owned aircraft insurance, including professional liability coverage, for our members. We believe that as of today, the new NAFI CFI Insurance Program, available exclusively to NAFI members, is a much improved plan,” said Jason Blair, Executive Director of NAFI.

The National Association of Flight Instructors (NAFI) and Avemco have teamed up for an insurance program that targets the specific needs of instructors. The program will offer CFIs greater flexibility in designing a policy that meets their specific needs in terms of limits and even specific aircraft coverage. "We have been working hard over the last year to find improvements in non-owned aircraft insurance, including professional liability coverage, for our members. We believe that as of today, the new NAFI CFI Insurance Program, available exclusively to NAFI members, is a much improved plan," said Jason Blair, Executive Director of NAFI.

Avemco President Jim Lauerman said instructors have special insurance needs and the new program reflects them. "We worked closely with NAFI to develop this program with the knowledge that professional flight instructors need the right insurance when they're actively giving flight instruction to their students," Lauerman said.