NATA Supports Airport Weight-Based Restrictions

National Air Transportation Association (NATA) President James K. Coyne urged support of the Federal Aviation Administration’s proposed weight-based restrictions at airports, as long as the restrictions are not used as a substitute for limiting aircraft noise. “It certainly makes sense to protect pavement from damage from aircraft that exceed the design criteria by a significant margin,” said Coyne. “What we would object to is using ‘weight-based restrictions’ as a way to limit noise by restricting access to an airport by a certain class of aircraft.”

National Air Transportation Association (NATA) President James K. Coyne urged support of the Federal Aviation Administration's proposed weight-based restrictions at airports, as long as the restrictions are not used as a substitute for limiting aircraft noise."It certainly makes sense to protect pavement from damage from aircraft that exceed the design criteria by a significant margin," said Coyne. "What we would object to is using 'weight-based restrictions' as a way to limit noise by restricting access to an airport by a certain class of aircraft."NATA encourages the FAA to place predominating emphasis on restrictions that still provide access to an airport without a complete ban on operations by a particular type of aircraft.