New ADIZ In Effect Thursday

The new boundaries of the Air Defense Identification Zone come into effect at 1 a.m. EDT Thursday and those who fly in that airspace should have a look at the new NOTAM to make sure theyre familiar with how it affects their flying. In addition to the almost circular shape of the ADIZ, which is 30 nm in radius from the Washington VOR, there are procedural changes for operating inside that space. Theres also a 60-nm outer ring in which a speed limit of 230 KIAS has been imposed. The limit is 180 KIAS within the ADIZ.

The new boundaries of the Air Defense Identification Zone come into effect at 1 a.m. EDT and those who fly in that airspace should have a look at the new NOTAM to make sure theyre familiar with how it affects their flying. In addition to the almost circular shape of the ADIZ, which is 30 nm in radius from the Washington VOR, there are procedural changes for operating inside that space. Theres also a 60-nm outer ring in which a speed limit of 230 KIAS has been imposed. The limit is 180 KIAS within the ADIZ. [more] While the Leesburg Airport appears to be cut out of the northwest quadrant of the ADIZ, going in and out of that field has its own rules and regulations and theyre outlined in the new NOTAM. AOPA says the new ADIZ is an improvement but it still wants to see changes to make it less restrictive on pilots and on the airports within it. The new boundaries do, however, free up 1,800 square miles of airspace and 33 airfields.