New AOPA Web Site Monitors FAA Funding Issue

AOPA President Phil Boyer makes no bones about it: “There is no bigger issue facing general aviation today — our future is hostage to the FAA funding decision. If we choose user fees or radical new taxes, America’s unique personal aircraft transportation system will die.” In case it’s not quite so clear just how this issue affects you as an airspace user, AOPA has launched a new Web page to explain it all. “We explore the arguments for change and objectively demonstrate why our current tax system is the best choice,” notes AOPA Executive Vice President of Communications Jeff Myers. The site features short videos to help people visualize the issues.

AOPA President Phil Boyer makes no bones about it: "There is no bigger issue facing general aviation today -- our future is hostage to the FAA funding decision. If we choose user fees or radical new taxes, America's unique personal aircraft transportation system will die." In case it's not quite so clear just how this issue affects you as an airspace user, AOPA has launched a new Web page to explain it all. "We explore the arguments for change and objectively demonstrate why our current tax system is the best choice," notes AOPA Executive Vice President of Communications Jeff Myers. The site features short videos to help people visualize the issues. Additionally, the site details the positions of the FAA and the airlines, identifies the various players in the debate, summarizes the issues and shows the timeline. AOPA says it will keep the site continuously updated as the FAA funding debate progresses through the legislative process. The existing FAA reauthorization bill enacted in July 2003 will expire Sept. 30.