Open House For Job-Seekers At Scaled
For the first time ever, Scaled Composites, in Mojave, Calif., will open the hangar doors on Saturday, April 21, and invite job-seekers to come in and talk to the staff about job openings at the company. “We have a lot going on and we need to do some hiring,” company spokesman Elliot Seguin told AVweb this week. “It’s very unusual that we invite people in like this, but we’re very busy with a lot of projects, and we’ve accelerated our hiring efforts.” The job fair coincides with an Open House event at the Mojave Airport, open to all, so it’s a unique opportunity for those who are interested in exploring job options to also get a sense of the culture of the airport, Sequin said.

For the first time ever, Scaled Composites, in Mojave, Calif., will open the hangar doors on Saturday, April 21, and invite job-seekers to come in and talk to the staff about job openings at the company. "We have a lot going on and we need to do some hiring," company spokesman Elliot Seguin told AVweb this week. "It's very unusual that we invite people in like this, but we're very busy with a lot of projects, and we've accelerated our hiring efforts." The job fair coincides with an Open House event at the Mojave Airport, open to all, so it's a unique opportunity for those who are interested in exploring job options to also get a sense of the culture of the airport, Sequin said.
The Open House, which runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., will feature static displays of the White Knight, WhiteKnightTwo, and BiPod aircraft, a briefing on flying SpaceShipTwo, a competitive student robotics competition, and a race-car club on Runway 30. The Voyager restaurant on the field opens at 8 a.m. More details for job-seekers are posted at the Scaled website.