Phenom 100 Certified In Brazil
Embraer’s entry-level Phenom 100 jet has been certified in Brazil, and U.S. certification is expected shortly, according to a company news release. The $3.6 million aircraft emerged from certification testing with a top speed of 390 knots, 10 knots faster than expected, and an overall fuel consumption 3.6 percent less than predicted. Its range and takeoff numbers have also improved. “I am thrilled to announce that the Phenom 100 has not only met all original specification targets, but has also surpassed several performance goals,” said Carlos Affonso, executive vice president of Executive Jets for Embraer. The certification came a few days after another milestone in the company’s methodical plan to become a force in business aviation.

Embraer's entry-level Phenom 100 jet has been certified in Brazil, and U.S. certification is expected shortly, according to a company news release. The $3.6 million aircraft emerged from certification testing with a top speed of 390 knots, 10 knots faster than expected, and an overall fuel consumption 3.6 percent less than predicted. Its range and takeoff numbers have also improved. "I am thrilled to announce that the Phenom 100 has not only met all original specification targets, but has also surpassed several performance goals," said Carlos Affonso, executive vice president of Executive Jets for Embraer. The certification came a few days after another milestone in the company's methodical plan to become a force in business aviation.
The groundbreaking, complete with the obligatory photo of dignitaries in hardhats holding shovels, took place as the so-called Space Coast grapples with the pending job losses associated with the end of the Space Shuttle program. About 200 people will be employed at the plant, which will encompass four buildings at the Melbourne International Airport. In the past year, Embraer has established a network of parts and service centers and the customers have already been trained on the Phenom, with its G1000-based Prodigy glass panel.