Pietsch OK, Planning Comeback

Airshow pilot Kent Pietsch is back home in Minot, N.D., after crash landing his Interstate Cadet show plane after a show in Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada last week. According to local media, Pietsch broke his nose when the aircraft clipped a wing during a forced landing short of the runway after his performance. He was looking for the aileron he drops as part of his act and lost power at low altitude. Pietsch and his bright yellow “Jelly Belly” aircraft are expected to be back.

Airshow pilot Kent Pietsch is back home in Minot, N.D., after crash landing his Interstate Cadet show plane after a show in Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada last week. According to local media, Pietsch broke his nose when the aircraft clipped a wing during a forced landing short of the runway after his performance. He was looking for the aileron he drops as part of his act and lost power at low altitude. Pietsch and his bright yellow "Jelly Belly" aircraft are expected to be back.

Pietsch's next stop on the circuit was to be the Abbotsford International Air Show in British Columbia (where we shot this video). Airshow announcer Bob Singleton said Pietsch apologized about not being able to attend and said that he intends to repair the Cadet after he's recovered from his injuries.