Piper, ATP Introduce iPad POH
First there were charts and then moving maps and a plethora of other weather and navigation-related items for the iPad and now pilot operating handbook apps have been developed for some of Piper’s products. The company said it will unveil electronic POHs for its M-Class and twin-engine aircraft at AOPA Summit.

First there were charts and then moving maps and a plethora of other weather and navigation-related items for the iPad and now pilot operating handbook apps have been developed for some of Piper's products. The company said it will unveil electronic POHs for its M-Class and twin-engine aircraft at AOPA Summit. The apps are part of the HubConnect app developed by Aircraft Technical Publishers and mean the days of updating paper publications can be over for operators of those aircraft. "Our collaboration with ATP gives the owners and operators of Piper airplanes the most up-to-date, convenient and proven access to data necessary for the safe and efficient operation of their aircraft," Piper VP of Sales and Marketing Drew McEwaen said in a news release.
The basic POH database will be updated daily to include ADs, service bulletins, and special airworthiness information bulletins along with providing advisory circular maintenance alerts and the AIM. "The HubConnect App for iPad from ATP is the first of its kind app for general aviation that provides access to both the pilot operating handbook as well as all supplemental documentation necessary to support the safety and compliance efforts of owners and operators," ATP President Rich Marino said in the release. A library of all maintenance publications and regulatory documents relating to the aircraft types is also included.