Qantas Launches Airbus iPad EFB
In July, Airbus announced it was the first manufacturer to provide its Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) performance-calculating applications for pilots on iPad and Qantas has now become the launch customer. iPad FlySmart with Airbus EFB allows Airbus pilots to access Airbus operational manuals and compute aircraft performance via iPad. Rollout with Qantas pilots will follow over the next few months as the airline adopts the computer tablet to reduce in-cockpit paperwork and facilitate access to information. Soon after, Airbus expects more pilots worldwide to begin using the app.

In July, Airbus announced it was the first manufacturer to provide its Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) performance-calculating applications for pilots on iPad and Qantas has now become the launch customer. iPad FlySmart with Airbus EFB allows Airbus pilots to access Airbus operational manuals and compute aircraft performance via iPad. Rollout with Qantas pilots will follow over the next few months as the airline adopts the computer tablet to reduce in-cockpit paperwork and facilitate access to information. Soon after, Airbus expects more pilots worldwide to begin using the app.
Qantas took part in the testing and helped refine the EFB application for its pilot community. The app offers an alternative to systems dependent on PC operating systems. According to Airbus, the iPad will provide cost, weight and time savings for operators and pilots. The new app complies with Airbus EFB standards and Airbus has delivered iPads to its Flight Test and Training Department, which will be using the FlySmart app "from now on." Boeing announced its first iPad app in May. The company's app served a different purpose altogether and showed users "advances that have transformed the world and made Boeing one of the most respected companies," according to the company. American Airlines in September became the first carrier to earn FAA approval to use iPads in the cockpit during all phases of flight.