RAMtech Aldera, An S-LSA From Canada

Since the launch of the light sport aircraft, many of the LSAs on the U.S. market have arrived from Europe, where airplanes that fit the certification parameters have long been in production. Now, a company in Canada is building a new clean-sheet LSA for the U.S. market. Rex Meade, president of RAMtech Aviation, based near Toronto, Ontario, says his young company has zeroed in on a market sector that has not been addressed. “The Aldera utilizes advanced composite technology, resulting in a uniquely ‘Canadian tough’ airplane that incorporates innovative production methods,” he says. The company hopes to keep the introductory price under $80,000, which would be a considerable price advantage over much of the current fleet. RAMtech has recently completed its prototype aircraft, after two years of development. First flight is expected in May.

Since the launch of the light sport aircraft, many of the LSAs on the U.S. market have arrived from Europe, where airplanes that fit the certification parameters have long been in production. Now, a company in Canada is building a new clean-sheet LSA for the U.S. market. Rex Meade, president of RAMtech Aviation, based near Toronto, Ontario, says his young company has zeroed in on a market sector that has not been addressed. "The Aldera utilizes advanced composite technology, resulting in a uniquely 'Canadian tough' airplane that incorporates innovative production methods," he says. The company hopes to keep the introductory price under $80,000, which would be a considerable price advantage over much of the current fleet. RAMtech has recently completed its prototype aircraft, after two years of development. First flight is expected in May.

Production tooling is almost complete and the ASTM certification process is well under way, the company said. The low-wing aircraft will be available with the choice of either a Rotax or Continental engine. Performance specifications and pricing details are pending.