Raytheon Aircraft Services Offers Cabin Entertainment Upgrades

Raytheon Aircraft Services (RAS) last week announced its “MAX Entertainment System” program, a factory-approved and pre-engineered package of solutions designed to make it easier for customers to upgrade their aircrafts entertainment system. According to RAS, the program covers Beechcraft King Air, Beechcraft Premier I,Beechjet, Diamond and all legacy and current Hawker series aircraft and involves tiered options that can be installed alongside routine maintenance and inspection work at a RAS facility. Operators can choose from among components such as XM Satellite Radio, JetMap II, Honeywell DVD player(s), flat-panel color monitor(s), Sennheiser wireless headset(s), wireless remote control and an optional speaker package

Raytheon Aircraft Services (RAS) last week announced its "MAX Entertainment System" program, a factory-approved and pre-engineered package of solutions designed to make it easier for customers to upgrade their aircrafts entertainment system. According to RAS, the program covers Beechcraft King Air, Beechcraft Premier I,Beechjet, Diamond and all legacy and current Hawker series aircraft and involves tiered options that can be installed alongside routine maintenance and inspection work at a RAS facility. Operators can choose from among components such as XM Satellite Radio, JetMap II, Honeywell DVD player(s), flat-panel color monitor(s), Sennheiser wireless headset(s), wireless remote control and an optional speaker package. According to the company, installation takes substantially less time and is certified as a field-approved modification via FAA Form 337. Package pricing includes all components and any required engineering. Customers who have been putting off an upgrade because of time constraints can now have an entire entertainment system installed during their aircrafts scheduled downtime, explained Skip Madsen, vice president, Raytheon Aircraft Services. For example, in as little as 9 days, a King Air can be equipped so that passengers can enjoy XM Radio broadcasts, watch DVDs, listen to CDs, receive real-time weather data, view moving maps, and get updates on the aircrafts flight status."