Red Bull Releases Baumgartner POV Video
Red Bull has released point-of-view video from Felix Baumgartner’s record-setting freefall on the anniversary of the well-covered event. The three-perspective video, accompanied by altitude, speed and biometrics display, displays what Baumgartner saw and heard as he streaked from the edge of space to the New Mexico desert in a little more than nine minutes.
Red Bull has released point-of-view video from Felix Baumgartner's record-setting freefall on the anniversary of the well-covered event. The three-perspective video, accompanied by altitude, speed and biometrics display, displays what Baumgartner saw and heard as he streaked from the edge of space to the New Mexico desert in a little more than nine minutes. At about 53 seconds he hits the maximum velocity of 848 mph (Mach 1.25) and as the atmosphere takes hold he settles into a controllable and apparently more comfortable state of affairs.
He pulls the chute about 4:30 into the video at a little more than 8,200 feet and prepares for what turns out to have been a pretty soft landing. "I feel like I have done four trips around the world and met many famous and powerful people," he told Among the highlights have been long conversations with James Cameron and Tom Cruise. "I have these peoples numbers on my phone and we talk. That is the network I have been able to develop in the past year; I hope we can collaborate on projects."