Report: 777 Engines Were Running At Impact
Despite earlier reports that suggested both engines had quit on the Boeing 777 that crashed on final approach to Heathrow last week, the engines were still developing power at impact, the United Kingdom’s Air Accident Investigation Board said on Thursday. The AAIB also said there was adequate fuel on board. The aircraft was on autopilot and stabilized on an ILS approach when the autothrust system commanded an increase in thrust from both engines. “The engines both initially responded but after about 3 seconds the thrust of the right engine reduced,” according to the AAIB. “Some eight seconds later the thrust reduced on the left engine to a similar level. The engines did not shut down and both engines continued to produce thrust at an engine speed above flight idle, but less than the commanded thrust.” Investigators now are working to complete a detailed analysis and examination of the complete fuel-flow path from the aircraft tanks to the engine fuel nozzles.

Despite earlier reports that suggested both engines had quit on the Boeing 777 that crashed on final approach to Heathrow last week, the engines were still developing power at impact, the United Kingdom's Air Accident Investigation Board said on Thursday. The AAIB also said there was adequate fuel on board. The aircraft was on autopilot and stabilized on an ILS approach when the autothrust system commanded an increase in thrust from both engines. "The engines both initially responded but after about 3 seconds the thrust of the right engine reduced," according to the AAIB. "Some eight seconds later the thrust reduced on the left engine to a similar level. The engines did not shut down and both engines continued to produce thrust at an engine speed above flight idle, but less than the commanded thrust." Investigators now are working to complete a detailed analysis and examination of the complete fuel-flow path from the aircraft tanks to the engine fuel nozzles.
The AAIB said it is "sensitive to the needs of the industry," including aircraft manufacturers that use similar onboard systems and the flight crews who fly them, and will issue more information as soon as possible.