Sebring Expo Starts Today
The fourth annual U.S. Sport Aviation Expo in Sebring, Fla., starts today and runs through the weekend. The event showcases the light sport aircraft industry, with about 140 exhibitors expected to attend. Visitors are encouraged to comparison shop and try out the aircraft, which include weight-shift trikes, powered parachutes, motor-gliders, and gyroplanes as well as fixed-wing. Cessna and Cirrus will be there with their LSA designs. “The exclusive focus on sport pilot and LSA gives manufacturers and enthusiasts a chance to interact on a more intimate level,” said EAA’s Ron Wagner, who is coordinating the forums and workshop schedule. AVweb‘s Editor-in-Chief Russ Niles will be on the scene, so stay tuned to ,i>AVweb for coverage of all the show events.
The fourth annual U.S. Sport Aviation Expo in Sebring, Fla., starts today and runs through the weekend. The event showcases the light sport aircraft industry, with about 140 exhibitors expected to attend. Visitors are encouraged to comparison shop and try out the aircraft, which include weight-shift trikes, powered parachutes, motor-gliders, and gyroplanes as well as fixed-wing. Cessna and Cirrus will be there with their LSA designs. "The exclusive focus on sport pilot and LSA gives manufacturers and enthusiasts a chance to interact on a more intimate level," said EAA's Ron Wagner, who is coordinating the forums and workshop schedule. AVweb's Editor-in-Chief Russ Niles will be on the scene, so stay tuned to AVweb for coverage of all the show events.
Admission and parking fees are low, and pilots who fly in can camp under the wing for $5 a day. A temporary tower will be operational during the event; pilots should consult the show Web site for more info.