Security Screening Proposal
Its hard to imagine a less romantic place than an airport security screening line-up but it set the stage for an impromptu (and ultimately successful) marriage proposal by a young Canadian man. Aaron Tkachuk, 24, of Prince George, British Columbia, planned to pop the question to his high school sweetheart Jennifer Rubadeau on a moonlit beach in the Caribbean while the couple enjoyed a respite from a particularly miserable winter in their central B.C. home. However, the engagement ring he tucked in a sock in his carry-on bag appeared unusual on the X-ray and the security screener at the Prince George airport wanted a closer look. The guy pulled out the ring and he was like: ‘Oh, no.’ He felt terrible,” Tkachuk told The Vancouver Province. “That was it — the cat was out of the bag. We were all stunned, so I just opened up the case and said: ‘Will you?’ and she said: ‘Yes.'”

Its hard to imagine a less romantic place than an airport security screening line-up but it set the stage for an impromptu (and ultimately successful) marriage proposal by a young Canadian man. Aaron Tkachuk, 24, of Prince George, British Columbia, planned to pop the question to his high school sweetheart Jennifer Rubadeau on a moonlit beach in the Caribbean while the couple enjoyed a respite from a particularly miserable winter in their central B.C. home. However, the engagement ring he tucked in a sock in his carry-on bag appeared unusual on the X-ray and the security screener at the Prince George airport wanted a closer look. The guy pulled out the ring and he was like: 'Oh, no.' He felt terrible," Tkachuk told The Vancouver Province. "That was it -- the cat was out of the bag. We were all stunned, so I just opened up the case and said: 'Will you?' and she said: 'Yes.'"
Now, Tkachuk thought hed left nothing to chance in plotting the proposal. Not only did he spend six months designing the perfect ring, he thought hed covered all the bases in ensuring it was properly presented to his future bride. He even phoned the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) in advance for advice on sneaking the ring aboard the flight without violating any rules. It was a CATSA employee who advised him to hide the ring in a sock in the carry-on where it would be spotted for what it was on the X-ray. It was supposed to be a classic romantic moment, but ended up more like a romantic comedy, Tkachuk said. At least it's a story we can tell our kids one day." Rubadeau said she was stunned when she saw the ring. "I was shocked that it all happened so fast," said the 23-year-old events coordinator. "It was pretty amazing and a strange place for it to happen. I had no idea it was coming, but it was pretty cool." The couple is now back from their holiday and making plans for an Aug.3 wedding.