Seeking Teachers To Go Weightless For Education

Northrop Grumman is accepting applications from educators who can earn a 2009 Weightless Flight of Discovery to depart from three remaining cities on this year’s tour. This is the fourth consecutive year that Northrop Grumman has partnered with Zero-G Corporation to offer the weightless flights. The annual program for professional development provides teachers with an opportunity “to prepare for and participate in micro- and zero-gravity flights to test Newton’s Laws of Motion,” according to a Northrop Grumman press release. Selected teachers are meant to work with their classes in advance of the flight to devise experiments that the teacher will perform while aloft. It’s then expected that the teacher will return to the classroom with their experiences where they will translate those experiences into increased enthusiasm among their middle-school students — specifically in subjects like science and math. The United States is experiencing a shortage of college graduates in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, according to program supporters who hope the results of such flights will help turn the tide. At the time AVweb went to press, Northrop Grumman had openings for flights from three cities, details after the jump.

Northrop Grumman is accepting applications from educators who can earn a 2009 Weightless Flight of Discovery to depart from three remaining cities on this year's tour. This is the fourth consecutive year that Northrop Grumman has partnered with Zero-G Corporation to offer the weightless flights. The annual program for professional development provides teachers with an opportunity "to prepare for and participate in micro- and zero-gravity flights to test Newton's Laws of Motion," according to a Northrop Grumman press release. Selected teachers are meant to work with their classes in advance of the flight to devise experiments that the teacher will perform while aloft. It's then expected that the teacher will return to the classroom with their experiences where they will translate those experiences into increased enthusiasm among their middle-school students -- specifically in subjects like science and math. The United States is experiencing a shortage of college graduates in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, according to program supporters who hope the results of such flights will help turn the tide. At the time AVweb went to press, Northrop Grumman had openings for flights from three cities, details after the jump.

This year's flights (with remaining availability) are scheduled to be flown from Albuquerque, Detroit and Washington, this fall. They all include a one-day workshop held several weeks prior to the flight. Zero-G vomit comet aspirants can find additional information and apply for the program here.