Skiing Via Airplane In Alaska

Being towed behind a Husky while skiing on a snowfield in the Alaska Range may not be on everyone’s bucket list, but it was on Reese Hanneman’s, and he has now posted a video of himself doing it. “I am so stoked!” he wrote on his Facebook page, after posting the video on Monday. A reporter at the Alaska Dispatch said the stunt is covered under FAR 91.311, which states that no pilot of a civil aircraft may tow anything except in accordance with the terms of a certificate waiver issued by the FAA.

Being towed behind a Husky while skiing on a snowfield in the Alaska Range may not be on everyone's bucket list, but it was on Reese Hanneman's, and he has now posted a video of himself doing it. "I am so stoked!" he wrote on his Facebook page, after posting the video on Monday. A reporter at the Alaska Dispatch said the stunt is covered under FAR 91.311, which states that no pilot of a civil aircraft may tow anything except in accordance with the terms of a certificate waiver issued by the FAA. "So, either the pilot of this Aviat Husky holds special permission to tow Hanneman around the mountains," according to the Dispatch, "or he did well to make sure the videographer never captured his tail number."

Hanneman, an Alaska native, is a competitive ski racer. In January, he won the classic sprint at the 2014 U.S. Cross Country Championships, his first career title.