Stolen Plane Crashes In California

A Cessna 172 that was stolen in Concord, Calif., over the weekend, crashed Sunday afternoon near Fresno, killing the person at the controls, who NTSB investigators said was not certified to fly the airplane. Felix Boston, of Walnut Creek, owned the airplane, and told the Fresno Bee he was unaware it was missing until he got a call from the NTSB. The 172 severed power lines and crashed into the bank of a canal, just about a quarter mile from a new housing development. The person who died has not been identified, but a local TV station described him as “a parolee in his 40s or 50s.”

A Cessna 172 that was stolen in Concord, Calif., over the weekend, crashed Sunday afternoon near Fresno, killing the person at the controls, who NTSB investigators said was not certified to fly the airplane. Felix Boston, of Walnut Creek, owned the airplane, and told the Fresno Bee he was unaware it was missing until he got a call from the NTSB. The 172 severed power lines and crashed into the bank of a canal, just about a quarter mile from a new housing development. The person who died has not been identified, but a local TV station described him as "a parolee in his 40s or 50s."

Boston said he found a supply of snacks and energy drinks in the wreckage of his airplane. "For six years that's been my baby," he told the local KSEE News. "I mean ... you coddle it, you wash it, you put new leather interior in it. It's just so sad to see somebody steal it and crash it like this." He also said the airplane didn't appear to be out of fuel when it crashed. The NTSB and local law enforcement are continuing to investigate.