Swift Fuel Tested In Beechcraft Duke
Swift Enterprises is testing its alternative aviation fuel in an unmodified twin-engine Beechcraft Duke in Europe. The airplane took off for the first time with Swift Fuel on April 10 and was on display last week at the Aero Friedrichshafen trade show in Germany. “The B60 Beechcraft Duke is an excellent platform to demonstrate Swift Fuel because the engines require high-octane fuel,” said Mary-Louise Rusek, president of Swift Enterprises. “Many general aviation aircraft demand higher octane levels, which 100LL provides. Swift Fuel can meet those octane needs, and lead emissions are eliminated.” The Duke is test-flying with standard fuel in the left engine and Swift Fuel in the right engine; click through to watch a short video of the aircraft’s first takeoff in Europe.

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Swift Enterprises is testing its alternative aviation fuel in an unmodified twin-engine Beechcraft Duke in Europe. The airplane took off for the first time with Swift Fuel on April 10 and was on display last week at the Aero Friedrichshafen trade show in Germany. "The B60 Beechcraft Duke is an excellent platform to demonstrate Swift Fuel because the engines require high-octane fuel," said Mary-Louise Rusek, president of Swift Enterprises. "Many general aviation aircraft demand higher octane levels, which 100LL provides. Swift Fuel can meet those octane needs, and lead emissions are eliminated." The Duke is test-flying with standard fuel in the left engine and Swift Fuel in the right engine; watch a a short video of the aircraft's first takeoff in Europe at right.
Swift Enterprises, based in West Lafayette, Ind., has been working with researchers at the Purdue Research Park to develop a drop-in alternative fuel replacement for 100LL that will allow general aviation engines to run efficiently without using leaded fuel. Researchers conducted flight tests of the fuel last year in a Beechcraft Duchess. Swift's fuel is derived from a variety of biological sources.