The Citation Family Moves Ahead

Cessna now has three Citation CJ3s in its certification flight-test program. The third plane took its first flight earlier this month. Cessnas second production CJ3 (serial number 002) completed its first flight on Nov. 6, 2003. A standard production first flight profile was flown during the 2.6-hour flight. Over 340 hours and 200 flights have been accumulated on all three CJ3s with the CJ3 prototype recording the majority of these hours (262.8) as it continues to complete developmental flight-testing.

A Trio Of CJ3s Takes Flight…

Cessna now has three Citation CJ3s in its certification flight-test program. The third plane took its first flight earlier this month. Cessnas second production CJ3 (serial number 002) completed its first flight on Nov. 6, 2003. A standard production first flight profile was flown during the 2.6-hour flight. Over 340 hours and 200 flights have been accumulated on all three CJ3s with the CJ3 prototype recording the majority of these hours (262.8) as it continues to complete developmental flight-testing. The first production CJ3 (serial number 001) is currently being used for flight training simulator data collection, and the second production CJ3 (serial number 002) will primarily be used for avionics development and post-certification service tests. Cessna announced the single-pilot-operated Citation CJ3 at the 2002 NBAA convention, and anticipates first customer delivery in the fourth quarter of 2004.